Concussion Information
On January 1, 2017 a new law on youth sports concussions in California took effect.
The law has several provisions which will impact youth sports, including Catholic Charities CYO Athletics:
* Education: In order to participate in athletics, students and a parent or guardian must sign and return to the student's school/program each year a form acknowledging receipt and review of a concussion and traumatic brain injury information sheet.
* Immediate removal from play in case of suspected concussion: Athletes suspected of having sustained a concussion must be immediately removed from play for the remainder of the day.
* No return to play without written medical clearance: Athletes who have been removed may not return to play until evaluated and received written clearance from a licensed health care provider trained in the management of concussion acting within the scope of his or her practice.
To Read More About the law click here
Below is the new "Concussion Information Sheet" for Catholic Charities CYO Athletics that is to be signed annually by the participant and parents/guardians of children participating in the program. Information on the form is from the U.S. Center for Disease Control along with the procedure for a suspected concussion from the new law.
Concussion Information
Concussion Information - Spanish