Track & Field
Participants should be pre-registered and on their school/parish roster. There will be NO race day registrations. ALL participants must be registered with a school/parish.
Participants can only register for either 2 running events and 1 field event OR 2 field events and 1 running event.
The relay will not count towards a participant's running event.
Competitive Meets
Participants must compete in the Preliminaries in order to be eligible to compete in the Championship Meet. NO EXCEPTIONS.
SATURDAY, MARCH 16, 2024: 3rd - 5th Grade Preliminaries Meet
SATURDAY, MARCH 23, 2024: 6th - 8th Grade Preliminaries Meet
SATURDAY, APRIL 20, 2024: Championship Meet
Events by Grade Level

Important Information
- Overall supervision of participants shall be the responsibility of CYO Staff.
- Parents MUST remain in the stadium bleachers to avoid disqualification of participants.
- ONLY CREDENTIALED/AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL will be allowed on the field. Unauthorized persons can cause the immediate disqualification of related participants.
- This is an ALL DAY EVENT. Each participant must report when an individual event is called. CYO will NOT hold the race/place for late or missing participants.
Entrants shall report to the CYO staff person organizing their race.
When told by the CYO staff person, entrants shall go to the starting location where they shall receive instructions from the starter.
At the finish line, entrants shall receive their place from the Finish Judge(s).
- Each participant will be issued a race (bib) number at check in. They will be identified by this number at all events.
- Athletes are encouraged to wear a jersey, t-shirt, or other apparel from their CYO program.
- Basketball, soccer, track, or volleyball uniforms are recommended.
- Participants are NOT allowed to wear any jewelry
- Athletic shoes are recommended. Any type of tennis shoe, canvas shoe or street shoe will be legal, as long as shoes have NO SPIKES OR CLEATS.
- Girls and boys MAY NOT compete in bare or stocking feet.
- Girls’ softball/Boys’ baseball safety shoe with molded rubber cleats are NOT ALLOWED.
- Girls’/Boys’ soccer safety shoe with removable cleats are NOT ALLOWED.
Timing and Distance Recording
Track Events: Fastest times in the Preliminaries will determine placement in Championship Meet.
Field Events: Each participant will have Three (3) attempts. The best recorded attempt (jump/throw) will be used to determine placement in the Championship Meet.
It will be upon the conclusion of each final event, and after the recorded times/distances have been submitted and reviewed by CYO personnel.
All athletes will receive their awards by reporting to the designated awards table following the completion of individual event(s).